
i hate dooce

I hate Dooce (and I don’t know why)Monetizing The Hate - dooce?I Hate Dooce…"Mommy Blogger" Heather Armstrong Monetizes The HateExclamation point, exclamation point, exclamation point ...dooce?Dooce Fans, Stop It! Just Stop It! * Left Coast CowboysThe Queen Of The Internet. DOOCE!!!!!i-hate-dooce * AvitableBagging on Dooce. Hey, at least I stopped mentioning Casey ...Monetizing The Hate. Making money from the crap people say, with special thanks to Heather Champ * Get me outta here (take me back to dooce*)Regular readers of Dooce know that blogger Heather B. Armstrong gets a whole lot of hate mail. Yesterday, she launched a site featuring entertaining examples of it ...i'm starting an "I Hate Dooce" club. I'll send you the link. [Look who it is again! Keri R! Not surprisingly, this is only the second of several hateful emails she has sent ...Talking a lot about poop, boobs, her dog, and her daughter. Dooced: to lose one’s job because of one’s website.Stop coming here. There's nothing to see. This is not a Dooce Hate Site. Yet every time Dooce puts up one of her Oh Poor Little Me posts about how theLabels: blurbodoocery, chuck, coco, dooce, i hate dooce, jon armstrong, marlo armstrong, marlo has blue eyes, natural childbirth, oprah, photoshop, wackadoo landN.B.: If you haven’t read The Appeal by John Grisham, and you plan on it, beware of spoilers ahead. Have you ever read a book that made you mad?Well, Dooce has done a marvelous thing. She has taken the many many many pieces of hate mail that she gets and has turned it into a page on her blog with a ...

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